sobota, 26. januar 2013


Our conversation started with a simple Tumblr post i found on my dash:

What if the only reason we can’t walk through mirrors is because our reflection blocks us?
What if they’re protecting us though?
What if they know that the other side is horrifying and painful and they are trying to keep us from ever crossing over?
..I must be on the wrong side of the mirror then.

We were so mindblown when we first heard about that.. but a couple of days later we started to evolve the whole idea..

Erika: ..if you were the reflection don't you think there would have to be another side of the mirror not just one, which we see?
..but a mirror only has two sides?
 Yeah but it actually has three persons in it...the person looking at it, the reflection and the person on the other side, right?
 i thought that there are only two people.. one on each side.
 So.. Who's the reflection? Who is blocking who?
 That's the whole point.. We don't know. One side is the ''happy'' side.. on which is the person who wants to go on the other side to check how life is on the other side.. but on the other side, the ''sad side'', the other person is blocking the happy person to step in his world.. to not get hurt and feel their pain. I see it as a mix between a guardian angel & heaven/hell idea.
: But what if they're both equally sad and happy? what happens then?
They switch sides and not even notice..?
Erika: Might be.. But, what if our reflection is a devil and is trying to get us to not be happier?
 OMG I GOT AN IDEA.. What if when they're equally happy and sad.. They simply switch sides and in that exact moment when they're both in the middle and are ''one'' in the mirror.. like the elements in chemistry, one person takes the ''negative charges'' and the other one is left with the positive ones. 
..and when they're back at the same center, the same amount of happiness and sadness, they switch back. the previously negative one gets the positivity and the previously positive one gets the negativity. just explained the ups and downs in life.
What happens then when you're dead.. What if you turn into a reflection? What if a mirror is made (randomly or intentionally) every time a person dies? ..So they can keep the person on the other side from seeing their world? What if our reflections are just the dead version of us in another universe?
 ..but what if you had a ridiculously happy life?
 You change sides. with the reflection, like you said before. You would get the other life? ..But alive
of course.. 
Wait no...what happens with reflections in water? or reflections not actually made by mirrors?
 We just explained ups and downs in life.. and reincarnation. Maybe in that case you see your soul? Just a thought..
 You see your soul... Hmm.. It's posible.. Then why don't you have emotions flying around you?Then why don't we change when we look into the water? What if you're faking a smile.. will you be sad in the reflection?
 WHAT IF.. When you look in something that isn't a mirror, you can see for a second how the person on the other side feels. Or.. The other person, because he isn't there, sucks in the emotions you had in that exact moment of looking?
 It would be possible.. But I think that every mirror that you look into sucks emotions with which you're looking and puts a tiny bit of them in the other side, so you don't know if it's your emotions that you're feeling or the other person's emotions.
What if.. Water is clear right? What if it reflects only the clear things. What if it helps you in your darkest times by reflecting the obvious solution/emotion? What if it reflects the "clear" emotions that you've been feeling all the time even though you faked them before? What if it makes you different? - in a better way. What if it helps you make the right choice?
 What if you look in a water that's not clear?
You make the wrong choice?
 So.. the choices in your life depend only on what you look into? ..That's quite absurde.
 Wait.. You can't see yourself in "not clear" water, barely actually. What if it becomes dirty because your choice isn't clear yet and it will become clear when you sort out your problems?
Me: I philosophically and 
psychologically agree with you.. but my common sence is stoping me from totally believing you here. I mean, you can't explain world water pollution with that? 
Erika: Well that's true..
Sadly, yes.
What if water is just a liquid form of mirrors? if we want to get the positivity or negativity, we have to drink it? And because we never know which universe it is showing, we will never know if we will go up or down in life?
You're a genious. That's why we are made out of so much water and need it to survive.. and it also explains water is a dipole.

I think we just solved the mystery of our entire existance..


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