sreda, 2. januar 2013


Or the version of it for guys: Do you have a girlfriend?

This question really makes me angry and sad at the same time..
I mean, since when do people have the right to automaticly decide your sexual orientation, based on nothing more than just your gender?
What if I was a girl and had a girlfriend? In this case i would definetly say no to that question, but the thing is that, because of my negative answer, everyone would automaticly asume that I'm single.
With doing that you automaticly send people the message that you're limiting their choice with that ridiculous question.

When we're already talking about sexual orientation, let me mention another thing that bugs me..
I think that choosing a sexual orientation is almost absolutely absurd, especially at the age of 15.
Imagine: You meet a person that's awesome and extraordinary, makes you laugh and is your reason to get trought the day. You feel more alive with them then ever before. The only thing that keeps you from falling in love with that person is a decision that was mostly forced to you by out society under the definition of 'normal', because you never took time to really think about it and just accepted what was 'meant' for you.

I do not want to live like that. I want to live in a world where I can be in love with whoever I want and not feel ashamed to admit that, and more importantly not be criticised about it.

..and I don't want to answer the question: ''Do you have a boyfriend?'' ever again. 2013 should really be the time for people to start asking: ''Are you in love with someone?'' or: ''Are you in a relationship?''.

..Listen to me ok, because I'm going to say this once and never, ever again. I will never love anyone the way that I love you. Never. You know that, and I know that, and I will die knowing that, ok? But it just can never... it just can never, ever, forever be. Do you understand? It just can never, ever, forever be.

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