torek, 25. september 2012


Neither. A daily strugle.. filled with fear, shame and secrets. Afraid of telling the truth because you don't know how people will react, but beauty and spiritual freedom if you tell them and they accept you just the way you are..

I decided that I will talk about homosexuality and homophobia.
Let me start with a short story:
Once on Tumblr I saw a message that an anonymous writer wrote to one of my friends, who was openly gay.. I do not remember the exact words, but it was about the Pride parade. He was saying that it shouldn't exist and if it does there should be also a thing such as a 'Straight parade'. I cannot explain how ridiculuos that is. The Pride parade is a celebration of love, joy and pride to be yourself, a celebration of people who have gone trough so much because of their sexual orientation and are finally accepted themselfs. So.. What would be a 'Straight parade'? A celebration that you're not single?..

In my opinon homophobia wouldn't exist if people would think twice about what they are saying. Imagine: A girl is in love with a guy. She thinks he is perfect. She thinks everything about him is perfect, his laugh, his eyes, his voice. The only thing she does is think about him. She is secretly wishing that he would ask her out and they would be a couple. Cute? Romantic? Maybe even.. true love?
But.. would it be any different if the object of her affection would be a girl?
Think about it honestly: Would she love less? Would she not love her laugh, her eyes and her voice? Would she not wish they would be a couple?

Sexual orientation doesn't split people in just two groups: gay and straight. There are also people who are bisexual, pansexual or transexual and are also a part of gay community.. and don't forget about all the straight people who are gay supporters. Yes, staright people can also be supporters of the gay rights.. if you didn't  know that.. and personally i think this is the only right thing to do. Why wouldn't you help people find their happines and inner freedom and it honestly doesn't cost you a thing. They are no different than you..  and trust me there is more of them around you that you could even imagine.

The thing that disturbs me the most is that people think that homosexuals choose to like the same sex, but they choose as much as a bride chooses her husband in an arranged marriage. They were born like this.. and no matter how much many of them try to change that.. they can't. It's inside them.. and it's far away from a choice. Who would choose to go trough so many things they have to go? Nobody..

They want to live a normal, happy, sucessful life, but we, as society, are stopping them and crushing their dreams. What for? Because it's not 'normal'? Well.. 100 years ago being black wasn't considered 'normal' , but they fought for their rights and they won.. And from our perspective looking back on that we think that what they were doing was morally terribly wrong.. But what will people in 100 years think about when they will see what are we doing and probably think the same thing about us.. how terribly wrong we are. Are we ready to change that? To finally do the right thing? ..i really and honestly hope so.

Since I know that many people say that if the Church says being gay is a sin.. they must be right. You know.. the same people who used to burn people who were claiming that Earth goes aroud the Sun.. I found a great video that everybody should watch.. it's really mind opening. :)
The link:

To much blood has flown from the wrists of children shamed for those they chose to kiss.

1 komentar:

  1. Good points, but that video is very theologically flawed.
