sobota, 2. marec 2013


Yesterday i watched a romantic drama based on a true story. Yeah, it's quite shocking, because if you know me, you are aware of the fact that i'm pretty much heartless when it comes to romance and i'm far from being easily impressed.. but this one really amazed me.
You know that feeling when you're watching a movie and something tragic happens and your heart literally breaks? You can't talk, you can't breathe.. and all you can do is hug your teddy bear and cry, cry without stopping.
I watched the movie three days ago and only thinking and writing about it now almost brings tears into my eyes..

It was talking about a private that just came into a new base - The 101st Airborne Division. His training was really hard, like it's for everyone who's new. He made friends quickly and was soon nominated for the 'Soldier of the month'. Once he and his friends had a day off and decided to go in a bar with transsexual performers. Long story short.. He fell in love with one of the performers, a girl called Calpernia Addams.

I was mostly amazed by the performer. She had this special charm that's really rarely seen. Everything about her was so natural, so beautiful, so gentle and especially.. so elegant and pure. I couldn't agree more with how he described her: She's a lady. In my opinion, the actor that played her deserves at least an Oscar for this role. He did an outstanding job.

I don't want to make this whole post just about the movie, so i decided to talk a little bit about transvestites and transgendered people. 
No, those terms don't mean the same thing:

The word transvestite comes from
 Latin trans-, "across, over" and aria, "dressed". That means that tranvestites are people who like to dress into clothes of oposite sex. They don't have the feeling that they're in the wrong body, just for some reason they prefer clothes that are meant for oposite sex. 

Transgendered people 
are those whose gender identity is incongrous with their physical body, or who have undergone an operation to make their gender identity and physical body the same. They are people who were born female but identify as male, or were born male but identify as female.

Both, t
ransgender people and transvestites, may identify as heterosexualhomosexualbisexualpansexualpolysexual, or asexual; some may even consider conventional sexual orientation labels inadequate or inapplicable to them, but transgender people may also identify as bigender or agender.
These two groups should not be mixed or confused with other groups, like drag kings and queens, adrogynes and genderqueers.

Transgender people are a part of the LGBT community, but they also have their own symbols: The transgender pride falg, a butterfly and pink/light blue yin yang symbol.

The name of the movie is Soldier's girl if anyone of you would have the wish to watch this piece of art.

Does that make me a freak if i'm in love with a freak?

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