četrtek, 8. november 2012


I will take a risk and talk about love. It's a risk, because the thing is.. I really don't understand it.
Yes, I'm that kind of person that loathes romantic movies and has no idea when someone likes him until they actually say it.. and even then doesn't believe it. Oh well..
You may think I'm weird and unemotional, but i think love has to many paradoxes for me to understand.

I asked every good friend of mine the same question: How do you know if you're in love with someone?
Most of them answered with a short: You just know..
The answer didn't help me much, so i went on Tumblr and found a beautiful quote: 
We are all a little weird, and life's a little weird, and we find someone whose weirdness is compatibile with ours, we join up and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.
..but what if you're to weird? What if your soul is to dark and twisted for anyone to love? What if you have nothing that makes you special in a good way? Can you in this case still fall in mutual weirdness with someone or just stay an alone weirdo?
I want to say you will definetly find someone.. but the thing is that i don't know, nobody knows. Or do they?

They say everybody has a soul mate on this planet.
What if mine tragically died and i will never meet her? Or is a cat?

There is another thing i will probably never understand: How you fall in love with someone? Why exactly that person? I mean there are 2 million people in Slovenia and out of this i guess is roughly a half o million people who are around your age. Why don't you love someone else? When people have a crush on someone.. They don't know her before that. The second they see that person, they have a crush. So I guess character has nothing to do with it.. So is it phisical apperance? Or maybe carma? Or some kind of strange attraction?

Love is and always was the greatest mystery.
It started wars, made, and still makes, people lose their mind and do things that even they didn't know they're capable of. Love can make the bravest person a coward and a talkative person shy. It brings unbelievable joy and tragical pain. How can something be so easy and yet so complicated at the same time?

Love is. It just is, and nothing you can say can make it go away, because it's the point why we are here. It's the highest point. And once you are up there, looking down on everyone else, you want it to last forever. Because if you move, you fall. You fall..

You want revelations engraved in gold and angels trumpeting down from heaven. What if this is it instead? Me telling you I love you. Right here - in the snow. I think that's pretty miraculous..

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