četrtek, 18. oktober 2012


Smoking. Drugs. Alcohol. Cutting.  Starving. Vomiting. Over-eating. Stress. Scratching.
All these things are called self-destruction. They are habit-forming or addictive, and are potentially fatal.

I have already written about some of these and the ones i didn't talk about yet.. Well, I will talk about them eventually.

Today I wanted to talk about a special kind of self-destruction - Self-harming.
Self-harming is direct injuring of you body and is mostly done by people with serious mental illnesses and should never be considered just as a joke or a cry for attention.

Do you know why people cut?
Because it's an distraction. For one moment you don't feel all the pain, the loss, the hurt. All you feel is the razor going trough your skin and blood dripping down your arm. You don't think about how alone you are. You don't think about all the people that are talking about you behind your back. You don't think about how much your friends and family hate you. The only thing you think about is blood.
The problem is when the pain comes back. And you have to cut again, and again, and again.. Deeper and deeper every time so the numbness will last longer. It becomes an addiction.
It's all about control. If you can't control the pain in your inside, you control the pain in your outside.

I'm not saying cutting is good. Not at all. I'm trying to explain it to you from their point of view. Trying to make you understand.
If you want people to stop cutting, you have to stop making them feel worthless about themselves and judging them, and start understanding and listening to them. Make them feel welcome and loved. Give them the support they need. You could save a life, trust me.

I don't understand how is it right for you to hurt me, but it's such a problem if i hurt myself.

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